"There have bee many disasters in the world, but few have brought as much joy to posterity. I think that it would be difficult to see anything more interesting."

GOETHE - 1786

A journey through Roman History

Discover the ancient city of Pompeii, an archaeological treasure nestled in the heart of Italy.

A Glimpse into the Past: Step into the remnants of Pompeii, a city that met an untimely fate in 79 AD when Mount Vesuvius erupted, preserving its streets, homes, and public spaces under layers of volcanic ash. Wander through the remarkably preserved ruins, and let the echoes of the past whisper tales of a flourishing civilization abruptly halted by nature's fury.
Architectural Marvels: Marvel at the intricate architecture that once defined daily life in Pompeii. Explore the grandeur of the Forum, the heart of civic and economic life, where ancient Romans gathered for political discussions and commerce. Visit the well-preserved amphitheater, which once echoed with the cheers of spectators, and imagine the vibrant performances that took place within its walls.

Lavish Residences and Intricate Frescoes : Pompeii boasts luxurious residences adorned with breathtaking frescoes and mosaics that showcase the artistic prowess of the ancient inhabitants. Step inside the House of the Vettii, a mansion adorned with vibrant frescoes depicting scenes of opulence and daily life, offering a glimpse into the affluence of Pompeii's elite.

The Temples and Sanctuaries : Uncover the spiritual side of Pompeii by visiting the temples dedicated to various gods, including the Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Jupiter. Experience the tranquility of the Sanctuary of the Public Lares, where locals sought solace in times of trouble.

Preserved Artifacts : Discover a wealth of artifacts excavated from Pompeii, meticulously preserved and displayed in the onsite museum. From everyday items to ornate jewelry, each piece provides a tangible connection to the people who once called Pompeii home.


Comfortable Clothing : Wear comfortable shoes and clothing suitable for walking and exploring uneven terrain.

Sun Protection : Bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses, especially during warm months, as there is limited shade.

Water and Snacks : Stay hydrated by carrying water, and consider bringing snacks as there are limited food options inside.


Online Purchase : tickets are available in advance on the website 


On site Purchase : tickets are available at the ticket offices at the entrances of Piazza Anfiteatro or Porta Marina.

The price of the entrance ticket depends on the type of ticket.

Pompeii Express : include only the ancient city of Pompeii. Suburban villas not included.

Pompeii Plus : include ancient city of Pompeii with suburban villas: Villa dei Misteri, Villa di Diomede, Villa Regina in Boscoreale with Antiquarium.

3 Days : include ancient city of Pompeii with suburban villas, Oplontis, Villa Arianna, Villa San Marco, Museo Libero D’Orsi, Boscoreale and Shuttlebus.

Reduced Ticket for 18-25 years old visitors.

Free Ticket for under 18 years old visitors. 

NOTE: reduced/free tickets can only be purchased at the ticket offices.

Free Ticket every first Sunday of the month. 


The staff of Maison de Julia Pompeii will be at your disposal to advise you on the best visiting solutions.Contact us to discover the visit options that best suit your needs and to book your perfect itinerary


Immerse yourself in the stories of Pompeii with our official and expert archaeology guides. Different shared or private tours offer personalized experiences for individuals, families, or groups.


Enhance your experience by booking an audio guide. This self-guided option allows you to explore the site at your own pace and preferences. Available in various languages.